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Healthy Eating Habits for life long health

At Play A Way all nursery staff aim to develop children’s understanding of healthy practices and try to include them in preparing their own snacks. When children help to prepare their own meals they are more likely to enjoy eating a larger range of foods. We encourage children to self-serve their own breakfast and teas and our youngest to our oldest children gain excellent skills in being independent. Our babies and toddlers love to feel valued and competent with opportunities like dishing up their cereals, pouring their own drinks and buttering their own toast.

We follow guidelines from the Children’s Food Trust when providing food and drinks for our children.

At Play A Way we provide a wide range of fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates for snack times along with milk and water. Fresh drinking water is available at all times.

We weave the many ways of having a healthy lifestyle into our curriculum and routines. We include children in our food preparations for snacks and meals and during meal times we talk to the children about our foods, drinks and healthy foods. We only serve healthy foods on a daily basis. We have a routine which enables children to be independent and we teach our children about making healthy choices within their foods, hygiene practices and also by the physical activities we provide. We do not stop children from having a sleep time if they need it. Each room has an area where children can rest and recharge if needed. Physical activities children are encouraged to take part in are a balance of developing gross motor and fine motor skills. We do dancing, moving in a variety of ways in our garden, using bikes/trikes and children challenge themselves through obstacle courses and open ended resources. We have an outdoor apparatus for climbing stairs and sliding.